We have officially completed all 17 weeks of the Firefly Friends℠ Core Curriculum! The children at Mendon Public Library earned their fluorescent firefly patch and we are now moving on to the Extended Curriculum. The first part of this is “Butterfly in the Sky,” a five-week program during which we will continue to visit with our feelings, read books, sing songs, light up the lanterns, and do crafts. The weekly themes for this session are: Colors and Numbers, Letters, Food, Homes, and Movement. At the end of the last class, the children will earn their butterfly patch!
Pre-registration for current families is now complete and open registration is underway. Families have the option of registering for the Monday group which meets on 2.26, 3.5, 3.12, 3.19, 3.26 from 12:30-1:05pm or the Wednesday group which meets on 2.28, 3.7, 3.14, 3.21, 3.28 from 12:30-1:05pm. Registration is required and space is limited. Please call the Mendon Public Library at 585.624.6067 to register.